Wool accessories are all those tools that allow you to knit your own beautiful items. In fact, you will find knitting needles available in many different sizes and materials, crochet hooks of all kinds and even wool balls. Do you know the wool baller? This is a very useful tool that allows you to wind yarn in no time, to create perfect balls for your knitting projects. Discover all our wool tools and start making your own beautiful knitted creations. Knit jumpers, scarves, capes, neck warmers, hats and much more. Unleash your imagination and make your winter warmer and more colourful!
Treccia di Lana
Uncinetti di Cotone
Uncinetti Lana
Uncinetti con Occhiello Knooking
Variants from €4.50
Uncinetti Tunisini Pony
Uncinetto Smirne Prym
Uncinetto per Lana e Cotone Prym
Variants from €3.90
Segnamaglie Prym
Ferri Maglia in Alluminio Lunghezza 60 cm
Variants from €6.20
Ferri Circolari
Go to the wool tools category and choose your favourites from the many available. Knitting needles in metal, plastic and even bamboo; as well as circular knitting needles, ergonomic crochet hooks, Tunisian crochet hooks, knitting markers, knitting needles and even cases of all kinds. You will be able to carry your knitting tools with you at all times and make whatever is on your mind at any time. Enter the category and click on each product to discover all its features.